Monday, February 7, 2011

Azkal Fever....Azkal Forever!

I have played football almost my whole life. Played in varsity teams since my elementary, high school and college days. And up to now, I  still play weekends with my club team the Blueguards FC. Being such, you can say that I am a football fanatic. But in an ironic twist of fate, our race of vertically challenged citizens chose to embrace the sport of giants and embraced it as an almost religion.
But we have kept the faith. Always believing that the time of Philippine football will come.For here is a sport where our race can excel. Height is not a a big factor. Skill, speed and technique are the key. The sport does not discriminate. It can be played in open spaces and in other countries, even on the street. All it takes is willing players and a ball. I recall playing in the hallways of school using rolled up papers bound with masking tape as a ball and remember the joy and laughter that accompanied our games.
The recent showing of our Mens National team in regional tournament s has created new interest in football. It sure does help that some of the players are model material, thus making for a good ambassadors for the sport. The influx of Fil foreigners wanting to play for our country is a bane to the sport. In a sort of reverse brain (?) drain, they are coming here (most at their own expense) to play for the motherland and we have reaped tremendous dividends from it.
Now, in a few days time, we would be playing an international match in Bacolod City. Never before has a football game created such hype and  interest in our country. Sure, there are high expectations But we can do it. After being in the shadows of basketball for so long, We believe that the time for Pilipinas Futbol has come. And We, the faithful will be there to stand as witnesses...